Sunsets Witness
by Jeff Sinon
Sunsets Witness
Jeff Sinon
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
On the summit of Foss Mountain in Eaton, NH a large granite boulder stands as witness to the setting sun. This large glacial erratic having been placed by the receding glaciers thousands of years ago, is the largest of similar boulders on the mountain.
February 7th, 2014
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Comments (13)
Tessa Fairey
Stunning sunset Jeff and interesting info! Congrats on your feature in The Gold Standard! L
Aaron Whittemore
Beautiful light on that New Hampshire Granite. Congratulations for the Gold Standard feature. V/F
Inge Riis McDonald
Beautiful light and composition. Congratulations on the feature in the Gold Standard!
Deb Halloran
Hi Jeff, This is gorgeous with beautiful light, colors and textures..exquisite work of art. Congrats on your feature in The Gold Standard. v/f